Uniform Platoon Final Projects

The Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive Uniform Platoon showcased the full-stack web applications they developed during Code Platoon’s military Coding Bootcamp. Their final presentations demonstrate their working applications and describe the front-end, back-end, and product management tools the Veteran tech students mastered during Coding Bootcamp.

The first presentation in the Full-stack software engineering project showcase is Wastenot. Wastenot is a web application that addresses food waste. Users input the foods they need to use, and Wastenot matches them with recipes using their ingredients. Wastenot’s tech stack includes React for the front-end user interface, Django on the back end to store user authentication data via secure cookies, and API calls to Spoonacular and OpenAI’s ChatGPT to pull recipe data, suggest substitutions, and provide nutritional information.

Wastenot was developed by an Army spouse, a Navy SkillBridge participant, two Active Duty Marine Corpsmen, a Coast Guardsman, a National Guardsman, and an Active Duty Soldier. Check out their Wastenot program demo.


ConnectForum is the next demonstration. ConnectForum is a full-stack web application with real-time chat through Channel Layers with Redis. ConnectForum allows users to connect live through different instances in the app’s common interest chat rooms. 

A Navy Veteran, two Army Veterans, and three Marine Corps Veterans developed ConnectForum. The Veteran software engineering graduates used JavaScript on React and the WebSocket API on the front end. The front-end code makes calls to the back end, featuring Python through Django Framework. The team hosted their data in a PostgreSQL database.

Void Turtle is the next presentation. A team of a Navy Veteran, an Air Force Veteran, a Marine Corps Veteran, an Active Duty Army Servicemember, and a military spouse developed Void Turtle. 

The Void Turtle team programmed a 2D, top-down, rogue-like game powered by the Godot Engine. The Void Turtle team used GitHub to coordinate version control and resolve merge conflicts while launching their application. Dive into Godot in the Void Turtle presentation below.

Shredder is the final demonstration in our graduation showcase. Shredder is a fitness and nutrition tracker web application. Shredder offers customizable nutrition tracking and workout programs for users to achieve their fitness goals. The app pings Rapid API’s exercise database to find exercises using particular equipment, muscles, or muscle groups. The nutrition portion calculates the nutrition information based on the user’s reported meals. 

Shredder was programmed with JavaScript and Python coding languages, an Axios HTTP client, and React styling. Watch the presentation by the Shredder team: two Navy Veterans, an Army Veteran, an Army Reserve Veteran, an Air Force National Guardsman, and an Active Duty Marine Corpsman.

We’re proud of the incredible applications showcased during Uniform Platoon’s final project demonstrations. Congratulations, graduates!

The entire project showcase and graduation ceremony is available to watch on Code Platoon’s YouTube channel.

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