Sierra Platoon Final Projects

Sierra Platoon Final Projects

Code Platoon’s Full-stack Software Engineering: Immersive Sierra Platoon completed their final group projects and graduated from Coding Bootcamp. During graduation, the Veteran tech graduates showcased the capstone web applications they developed in teams during the Coding Bootcamp. Here they are presenting their final projects and describing the technical knowledge and soft skills they developed during the program.

First up is WaddleBot–a multifunctional Discord bot. Discord is a popular online chat and voice chat application. The Discord bot is a simulated Discord user with dictated responses to specific commands. WaddleBot can play music in voice calls, share new YouTube video links on Discord chat, pull the latest lottery numbers, and more. WaddleBot uses React and Bootstrap on the front-end; the back-end database uses PostgreSQL.

Check out the WaddleBot presentation by the team of two Air Force Veterans, an Army Veteran, a Navy Veteran, an Army National Guard Veteran, and an Air Force Reservist.

Huge Finance App is the next presentation. Huge Finance App is a budgeting app for Active Duty Servicemembers. Users can log in, view and categorize their recent transactions, and learn how to read their military Leave and Earning Statement (LES) and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Huge Finance App used Chart.js to build their data visualizations.

A team of two Active Duty Airmen, an Active Duty Soldier, and an Army Veteran developed Huge Finance App.


Idle Platoon is a fantasy RPG idle game developed by two Navy Veterans and three Air Force Veterans. The game features include character creation, leveling, gathering and refining resources, combat, and a marketplace of character items. 

Idle Platoon uses JavaScript, React.js, CSS, HTML, and Bootstrap on the front-end. Python, Django, and PostgreSQL make up the back-end of Idle Platoon.

The last demonstration by Sierra graduates is Cyber Mystics. Cyber Mystics is a tarot card app that prompts users to self-reflect and save their card draws. The application also features user authentication, tarot guidance, and a dream journal. Cyber Mystics was developed using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL on the back-end and JavaScript, React.js, Vite, Bootstrap, and Figma. Supporting technologies include Visual Studio Code, Git/Github, and Twilio.

The Cyber Mystics team is two Army Veterans, a Marine Corps Veteran, and a military spouse.

Congratulations, Sierra Platoon graduates! We’re proud of the accomplishments showcased during this cohort’s final project demonstrations.

The entire project showcase and graduation ceremony is available to watch on Code Platoon’s YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn channels.

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