Quebec Platoon Final Projects Blog

Quebec Platoon Final Projects

Before students graduate from our Immersive Full-stack Software Engineering Bootcamp, they have two weeks to form teams and harness their software engineering, project management, and teamwork skills to develop their own web applications. 

Recently Graduating Quebec Platoon students got the chance to present their group capstone projects. Here are their demonstrations:

Our first group is Code Platoon Central, an online portal for software engineering bootcamp students and instructors. Bootcamp students can access their assignments, view lecture materials, ask questions, and search for classmates in this app. Their instructors can make questionnaires, take attendance, and schedule guest presentations.

Check out Code Platoon Central by a Marine Corps Veteran and three Navy Veterans.

The next project is Strongest Link, a web app to make going to the gym more social. Strongest Link fosters connections among gym-goers, displays exercises for specific muscle groups, and hosts a leaderboard where friends can share their personal bests.

The team behind Strongest Link is a military spouse, two Army Veterans, and Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Veterans.

Roam is the third project in this showcase. Roam uses geolocation technology to connect campsite owners with travelers looking for budget-friendly places to camp. 

Two military spouses, two Marine Corps Veterans, and an Army Veteran created Roam.

Trippi is another travel app by Quebec students. Trippi users can curate travel resources to plan their next adventure and document past trips for others to follow in their footsteps.

A team of two Air Force Veterans and three Army Veterans developed Trippi.

The final project is Doggy Pile. Doggy Pile is a social media website for dog owners to connect with each other and socialize their pets. Doggy Pile also helps users find lost dogs, veterinarians, and dog-friendly businesses in their area.

Check out Doggy Pile’s presentation by two Army Veterans and Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy Veterans.

We’re proud of the creativity, innovation, and skills demonstrated during this cohort’s graduation. Congratulations, Quebec Platoon!

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