Entries by Jim Hennessy

Celebrate Code Platoon 2024: A Night to Honor, Celebrate, and Inspire

Chicago, IL, [July 25, 2024] –Code Platoon is thrilled to announce Celebrate Code Platoon 2024, an annual event dedicated to honoring our mission of helping Veterans and military spouses launch careers in software engineering. This celebration also recognizes the supporters and partners whose contributions enable us to provide quality technical training and skills needed for […]

Maximizing the GI Bill at a Coding Bootcamp

The GI Bill® has long been a cornerstone of military benefits, offering Veterans and Servicemembers a path to educational and career advancement. While many associate the GI Bill® with traditional college degrees, its scope has significantly widened to include an array of vocational and technical training programs catering to the evolving career landscapes of today’s […]

5 Essential Soft Skills for Software Engineers

In the dynamic world of software engineering, mastering the art of coding and familiarizing yourself with the latest technologies are pivotal steps toward building a successful career. However, for Veterans and military spouses embarking on this journey, it’s crucial to recognize that technical prowess alone doesn’t guarantee success. According to the Career Education Review, a […]

Military Spouses: From the home front to the tech front

Navigating the professional landscape can be challenging for military spouses, whose career paths often need to be adaptable to the demands and unpredictability of military life. Software engineering and development offer an ideal solution, providing the kind of flexibility and resilience that aligns perfectly with the unique needs of military spouses seeking a fulfilling and […]

JavaScript: A Beginner’s Guide to Coding

Are you new to the world of coding and software development? JavaScript is a fantastic first programming language to learn, and here’s why it’s a great choice for beginners looking to dive into programming and web development. Why JavaScript is a good coding language for beginners: It’s everywhere: JavaScript is the language of the web. […]

Code Platoon Enhances Veteran and Military Spouse Education with AI Curriculum Integration

Code Platoon, a pioneering coding bootcamp exclusively for Veterans and military spouses, today announced a significant enhancement to its educational offerings: the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its curriculum. This initiative aligns with Code Platoon’s mission of providing technology education specifically tailored to the unique experiences and capabilities of Veterans and military spouses entering […]

Code Platoon Scholarships Bridge the Gap Left by VET TEC

With VET TEC funding nearing exhaustion, Code Platoon, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the military to tech transition, is ready to help those impacted through our scholarship program. Scholarships to attend our Full-stack Software Engineering and DevOps and Cloud Engineering programs can bridge the gap left by the exhausted funding of VET TEC. Established […]

Why Veterans Make Great Tech Employees

In the ever-evolving world of technology, companies constantly seek individuals with the skills and mindset to thrive in this dynamic environment. Veterans, with their unique blend of technical expertise, soft skills, and unwavering dedication, represent a valuable untapped resource for the tech industry. Technical Skills The military provides extensive training in various technical fields, including […]

5 Tips for Military Members Creating a LinkedIn Profile for Post-Military Job Search

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be both exciting and challenging. One of the crucial steps in this transition is creating a strong LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills, experience, and potential to prospective employers. Here are five valuable tips to help you make an impressive LinkedIn profile that maximizes your post-military career […]

Learning DevOps and Cloud Engineering at Code Platoon

The world of technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a greater push for cloud adoption and sustainable budget planning for IT projects. As a result, the demand for skilled professionals in DevOps and Cloud Engineering has skyrocketed. Code Platoon recognized this need and set […]