
Announcing Cloztalk and Code Platoon partnership

Code Platoon has partnered with Cloztalk, a company that designs and sells cause-based apparel to raise awareness and funds for positive causes that matter. Their mission is to get people talking to each other, face-to-face, about charities, social ventures, and cause-based companies. Headquartered in Chicago, Cloztalk is a national directory of vetted 501(c)3 nonprofits. People can come to their website to find a cause that inspires them and then support that charity by wearing its apparel.

Check out our line of Code Platoon merchandise! This is an easy way to make a big impact by helping us spread the word about our program. By wearing the Code Platoon logo, you become a brand ambassador and help more veterans and military spouses start careers in software development. 

To order, simply visit our personalized page on Cloztalk and select your favorite Code Platoon swag. Cloztalk will take care of everything else, ensuring the Code Platoon staff stays focused on our mission and serving those who have served us. Thank you for helping spread the good word about the great mission of Code Platoon!

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